Saturday, June 22, 2024

Learning,,, to smile at adversity

"In life the real beauty lies in your ability to smile at adversity and refuse to be drowned by it "

Been almost two years since I blogged and many years since I actively did what I love most in life - writing, I was questioning myself having lost the one little tiny priceless gift  I thought I was given by my angelic mother and God from the time i knew myself was now truly gone bcoz of the relentless pressures of life. 

As years go by life teaches one thing very clearly - there is no set pattern to live life nor there are same set of ppl who you keep travelling along - sumtimes it's left with u and ur shadow - that's when you precise learn how precious some memories are in life - they push you forward rather standing  alone amidst a world full of hope and opportunities. 

"Hope is not a bad thing, sumtimes it's the only thing you cling on to get out of adversity,,,, so it's better to smile at adversity and win it one day with hope than to get drowned by it easily ☺☺☺☺☺!! 

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